Get on the bus Gus!
The School Bus Stage was Custom Built to be used as the Outdoor Music Stage at The Old School. Originally the Owners of The Old School had planned to build a permanent stage...but after a few more beers a suggestion was made… how about a mobile stage?!
Shortly after that, an idea went through the Rambunctious Kid’s heads… how about using a School Bus as a mobile stage… you know, one that would have full operating hydraulics to self-level itself on unlevel ground… one that the roof would go way up to provide more room… one that the side would fold open to create an awning… and one that the floor would fold down to create even more stage area… seemed simple enough right...?! The School Bus Stage will be used at The Old School, but not exclusively… The Owners of The Old School have decided to offer the use of The School Bus Stage to Events that need a Stage for most anything… including Music, Award Ceremony’s, Weddings, Party’s, the list goes on and on. Contact us today to discuss having The School Bus Stage at your upcoming Event.